2005 Prodigy conducts the first Recognition of Prior
Learning for the Labour Recruitment Industry.
2008 The EAAB accredits Prodigy as a
RPL centre for Real Estate.
2005 Nerishni Shunmugam presents SSP at HWSETA
conference and is elected as best speaker.
2009 Prodigy launches Skillsmatters:
South Africa’s first ever publication
that showcases training in South
2006 Prodigy chosen by the Postal Industry Chamber
to be the Professional Body to establish a
Continual Professional Development model.
2009 Nerishni Shunmugam presents
paper on Tomorrow’s People at
APSO annual conference.
2007 Prodigy conducts the first Recognition of Prior
Learning assessment within the Real Estate and
Property Industry. The first 500 candidates
successfully completed and graduated in 2008.
2010 Prodigy obtains accreditation with
Department of Higher Education
2007 Research conducted on the Casualisation of
Labour and presented at ILO: Geneva.
2011 Prodigy launches Eskillsmatters
with its UK partners – LearnFusion
and Brighter Future UK.
Eskillsmatters provides
online learning.
2008 Prodigy develops Monitoring and Evaluation
Tool Kit together with Deloitte Consulting for the
Department of Labour : National Skills Fund.